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How to use AI in Marketing

How to use AI in Marketing

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The most powerful addition to online digital marketing has been the use of AI-powered marketing software. In 2022, it is becoming essential to learn how to use AI in marketing.

What is AI in marketing?

AI or artificial intelligence marketing is the use of artificial intelligence to create powerful digital marketing campaigns. The software that is now available makes this a marketing strategy available to any company willing to invest in AI technology.

AI marketing has been around for many years, though it has only recently started to become a major component of marketing campaigns. There have been hurdles early on, focused on how information gathering is performed and though this has been addressed there are still strict guidelines on how artificial intelligence can be used in digital marketing.

The transition has been much like the gradual transition from direct or conventional marketing to digital marketing. The time it took companies to jump on board with digital marketing was far too long. To this day, there are still companies that have not taken advantage of online marketing strategies.

Using AI for marketing ad creatives and banners, is not to be confused with some of the issues that can come up with AI for content marketing where information for Google ranking has to be unique and well-researched.

AI marketing to optimize ad creatives is simply using artificial intelligence to assimilate the most powerful components of online marketing into your marketing campaign. As a marketer, it is important not to use copy from other marketing campaigns.

How to use AI in Marketing:

Though it might seem easy to simply jump right into an AI platform for marketing, with the belief that taking this approach would automatically improve your marketing campaigns. However, much the way AI should not be used as a sole replacement for content creation, using AI for marketing should be used to enhance your digital marketing.

As many found out with the evolution of PPC advertising, it was and still is easy to lose a lot of money if you are not aware of how to market online. The following is what would be the best steps to take for a business that is considering incorporating AI software into their digital marketing campaigns.

  1. Take the AdWord Google certification course if you are not well versed in PPC advertising.
  2. Learn about and practice PPC advertising until you can control your ad spend and split test.
Once you have become comfortable with creating PPC campaigns, introduce software that uses AI to optimize your marketing campaigns.
There are many AI software to choose from, Ad Creative is one that works well with Google Adwords to create powerful marketing campaigns:
 How to use AI in Marketing
Using AI in marketing offers companies a number of benefits:
1. Data collection can be streamlined and analyzed efficiently.
2. Customer service and personalization can be enhanced.
3. Research and analysis of data can help identify trends early.
4. Ultimately artificial intelligence helps free up staff to deal with projects that cannot be managed through AI.

At the center of any AI-powered program is the ability to

establish a mathematical relationship between two variables.


AI requires a five-stage process which is very technical. The following is a general explanation of these five processes that are inherent to the application of Artificial Intelligence:

  1. Problem Scoping –  This is the first stage and is about understanding the problem and how limitations can be met based on constraints associated with a particular business.
  2. Data Acquisition – In order to make quantifiable measurements between two variables and hence develop a mathematical relationship, data has to be accurately acquired. Depending on the industry, data gathering can be done using many devices such as various sensors and cameras, established databases that have gathered information through websites and registrations, etc.
  3. Data Exploration – Arranging the data such that it is in a uniform arrangement and able to be subjected to EXPLORATORY DATA ANALYSIS.
  4. Modeling – Creating models from the data is then performed by analyzing data trends and the ability to create a  mathematical relationship between parameters.
  5. Evaluation – The final step is to evaluate the project with real-life data and measure the loss functions. This helps to quantify how far a model is from making correct predictions. Ultimately, if the model performs well on new data then it is ready to be deployed as an AI application.

Companies that invest the time and money into researching how to use AI in marketing ultimately will prevail as AI is the way of the future.

There will be a lot of scrutiny about the use of AI until the mainstream businesses finally accept that this is a marketing strategy (aside from the reasoning power) that can outperform the most efficient and organized effort by individuals, even with access to the best IT software.



What is meant by the term AI marketing canvas?

The AI marketing canvas is the five-stage road map discussed above ultimately resulting in the implementation of an AI-driven marketing strategy.

AI uses predictive marketing analytics to make automated decisions that speed up the creation of effective marketing campaigns to maximize a company’s ROI.

What does AI marketing mean?
Is AI marketing profitable?
Ai is profitable if the investment in the implementation of the technology results in a higher ROI.
What is an AI marketing platform?

A platform that uses artificial intelligence to create automated decisions.

What are some examples of AI in marketing?

  • AI Media Bidding – used to bid for online ad space
  • AI-generated Content – used to create SEO-optimized content to get targeted search engine traffic for blogs and subscription services.
  • Voice Search  – Voice SEO is used for online search … the best examples of how this AI technology is being used are Alexa and Siri.
  • Propensity Modelling
  • Ad Targeting
  • Predictive Analysis

Is AI marketing legit?

AI is a very legitimate marketing strategy that has been evolving for years. It helps to streamline and optimize marketing campaigns.

Here are some additional search terms used for AI information.

Where can you find AI marketing news?

Are there AI marketing courses?

Where can I find an AI marketing company?

How do you learn about implementing artificial intelligence in marketing?