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When to use the Elementor Plugin

When to use the Elementor Plugin

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I hope this post will help new WordPress users determine when to use the Elementor plugin. After building numerous WordPress Websites since 2008, I believe it is essential that anyone who is new to using online software, avoid using the Elementor plugin for your first WordPress website build (unless you are familiar with WordPress and with using blocks to create blog posts).

When to use the Elementor Plugin

Elementor is an excellent plugin and there are numerous videos and posts online about how to use it.  These videos are very good though often quite lengthy. My advice is to “keep it simple” and use WordPress Classic Editor. There is plenty of time to eventually learn how to use the Elementor plugin. Starting out, you will very likely spend a great deal of time mastering the Elementor plugin.

Unfortunately, for those who are just learning how to build a website on the WordPress CMS, using the Elementor plugin can be an exhausting and frustrating experience. You can end up literally spending weeks of your time when you could have a simple WordPress website up and running in under an hour.

What I am saying might seem unpopular. The Elementor plugin is a great plugin, and many webmasters love it and are teaching how to use it in videos and posts all over the internet. Yes, they are true supporters of the plugin, but they also make affiliate sales from the sales of the plugin, domain names, and hosting company sign-ups. generated from their instructional courses and videos.

I simply think it is too difficult to learn when first starting out. This is apparent even in the WordPress back office, where long-time bloggers are still opting to use the classic editor plugin rather than the out-of-the-box Gutenberg editor which uses the same block-posting format as Elementor.

In time, Gutenburg may become the only way to post on WordPress; however, until then, use the classic editor plugin (mentioned in my next post: Simple WordPress Website Checklist). When there is no other option but Gutenberg or when you become adept at using the Gutenberg posting option you can simply use the WordPress editor without adding the classic editor plugin, which you can find in the Plugin (new) section of your WordPress back office.

If not for the poor experience I had when I tried to learn Elementor (lost many days of programming and felt very discouraged), I would not be writing this post. I should mention that I was using it in conjunction with a theme that was technically more difficult, though even with a free WordPress theme I do not recommend using Elementor when first starting out.

This is simply a post about the type of information I want to share to save readers a tremendous amount of time and even money (were you to buy the Elementor Plugin) when working on your first startup business website.

For more posts of this type, where I reflect on my 15+ years of using WordPress and the hurdles I faced, please visit my website:

Website Building Tutorials


Elementor Plugin In WordPress, Elementor Plugin Usage, Elementor Plugin Use, Elementor Plugin WordPress Tutorial, WordPress Elementor Review Plugin