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Is AI Better For Online Marketing?

Is AI Better For Online Marketing?

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Is AI better for online marketing? AI is much better for online marketing because it can automate tasks and processes that would otherwise be time-consuming.

This saves companies a lot of time and resources and in the process, makes the creation of marketing campaigns more efficient.

Ai marketing can provide a number of objective benefits for businesses:

  • AI helps businesses increase their marketing efficiency through automation.
  • Businesses improve their customer engagement by providing them with a better, more streamlined, customer experience.
  • AI helps businesses improve their brand visibility by providing them with better marketing analytics.

***Since AI can clearly help businesses better understand a customer’s needs and preferences the end result is increased customer engagement leading to increased sales and an increase in return on investment (ROI).

Artificial intelligence has been around for a long time. The reason it is getting so much attention over the past few years is that it is making huge online advancements impacting the improvement in:

  • Content creation
  • Marketing
  • Security
  • Efficiency
  • Data processing
  • Analytics
  • Cost-effectiveness
  • Processing speed

Unfortunately, these advances are also impacting the job market, depending on the industry involved. This being said, there will always be the need for humans to apply reasoning and other processes AI cannot do to arrive at solutions to complex problems.

The auto industry is one area where the use of AI in self-driving cars, although helpful, is falling short of being a complete solution, because of the infinite scenarios that can be encountered when driving. The many variables involved in navigating complex driving situations, especially in a city,  need the input of human decision-making to result in the best course of action.

Matter how one looks at the future of AI, in every case, there is no doubt it will play a significant role in technology going forward. Compared to its primitive origins approximately 50 years ago, the advancements and amount of attention AI is now receiving have reached an inflection point.

Applications for AI are growing with each passing day, only to be held back by ethics and the question of whether or not its particular use for a task is a positive move or detriment.

AI is not the answer to all our problem-solving needs. In time, we will learn where it serves us well and where its use offers little, if any, benefit.