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Why use AI to create your marketing campaigns?

Why use AI to create your marketing campaigns?

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Artificial intelligence (AI) has been around for a long time. However, only in recent years has it become a  driving force

among digital marketers.  Unfortunately, it is still not used by many online businesses, though it is only a matter of time.

So Why use AI to create your marketing campaigns?

The reason Artificial Intelligence is becoming very popular in marketing is that there has been a dramatic increase in AI marketing software to optimize marketing campaigns and create converting copy.

As I have often discussed, just like the transition from direct marketing to digital marketing came about much slower than it could or should have, it is simply because change is not always easy.

With social media, some companies jumped on board quickly (ie. Nike) while the majority of companies were far slower at making the change to social media marketing. Many have been playing catch-up ever since.

AI is taking over many tasks that do not require the reasoning power of a human to complete.  AI is also far more efficient once the necessary data has been acquired as part of the 5 stage process in AI development.

There are many reasons to use AI to create your marketing campaigns:

  • Analyze data to optimize the target audience.
  • Efficiency
  • Engagement
  • Optimize ad creatives
  • Easier to Split-test marketing campaigns

So it is important to use AI to create your marketing campaigns. As AI continues to improve the advantage of businesses that are well invested in AI is going to increase drastically since the ability to catch up in our technologically advanced society will only get more difficult.

This model of businesses lagging in technology is not new. This occurred in the medical field when the electronic medical records systems developed and medical practices and some hospitals took too much time getting up to date.

There is never a better time than now to start learning about how artificial intelligence might impact your business