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10 More Reasons Why Hosting Your Blog Is Important!

Why Hosting Your Blog Is Important!

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Before getting into the reasons why hosting your blog is important, it is important to mention a recent comment online suggesting that one should not self-host their website because of the potential for a power outage????

This truly makes no sense. If power was to go out in the locale where you are located, this would only impact your immediate area. Your website is hosted by servers that are literally all over the world, particularly with VPN.

So whether or not your website is not accessible to you because of a power outage, it is still able to be accessed by the rest of the world on the internet, except, of course, if other areas have power outages or there is a downed server.

Having your website go down on the internet is an inherent risk that every business faces when using digital technology to host your business.

Hosting companies are equally vulnerable to outages. Actually, you are in a far better position with a quality, well-staffed, and operated hosting company. Large companies hosting thousands or millions of websites have backup power as well as many other safeguards.

In addition, using the WordPress CMS platform keeps you in good company. If WordPress has a problem of any kind, it is going to be resolved quickly since it hosts some of the largest websites in the world.

The main reason I mentioned the power outage comment is that the comment was an answer given in a Google search by a person/company opposing self-hosting.

Clearly, the answer is incorrect and is a reason why you want to always do your due diligence when making decisions based on information obtained online. Google does its best to present accurate information though incorrect information can slip through the algorithm.

So, what are some of the reasons you want to self-host your blog, even if it is not your primary business?


This question comes up on Google a lot: Is going self-hosted worth it in 2022?

As has been noted many times on this site, the answer is yes with very few exceptions. Having discussed this in other articles, this will be the last time I address this topic as I am getting redundant about it.

But for a very good reason and that is because many who are new to the online community are vulnerable to the opinions of others online who might not have their best interest in mind.

In addition, getting information of any type from family or friends who do not understand the opportunities online can be extremely frustrating and derailing if one is not careful.

After the pandemic, it has been very clear there is a major movement toward remote work. In addition, the already established online community prior to the pandemic is growing off the wall.

The e-commerce businesses are up and the number of independent bloggers marketing customer and client-related services is drastically increasing.

1. You have technical control over your website design and hosting.

Anytime you want to make changes, the WordPress platform makes it easy with an easy user interface. If there is a need to update hosting PHP or access database files, you have the option to do so through the hosting company Cpanel. With hosted websites, you have very little control over the backend software mentioned above. You are largely limited to website design and though apps can be added, they often come with a monthly charge.

2. You are able to make your website exactly the way you want and are not limited to cookie-cutter templates.

Granted, this limitation has improved a great deal over recent years, without hosting and having complete control of your back office, you are dependent on the company that provides the website builder and hosting. I have heard some developers say they can make modifications but the flexibility of sites like WIX are not nearly as easy to work with.

3. Your website (though you may be able to transfer files, depending on the platform) is online as long as the company hosting it stays in business.

Any major changes in the website-hosting business such as changes in management, etc. are not within your control. As news circulates about various platforms, which has occurred through the years, you have to be concerned about how changes could impact your business. For many, their website is their business and major changes can be devastating.

2. You have complete control of Graphic Design. 

Though most companies do have a very large database of themes and styling options, the ability to make changes is still limited compared to the open-source platform of WordPress.

4. Functionality is limitless with thousands of plug-ins:

Best of all, since it is open-source and familiar to so many developers, if you need a plug-in, one can be customized to serve the needs of your business.

5. Branding is in your control.

This is critical as your business grows. The large website builder hosting companies do allow for their logo to be removed but this is not always a complete solution to separating your website from others using very similar if not the same theme.

6. Monetization strategies are in your control

This is also important going forward, as decisions about how your site is advertised and monetized will always have to comply with the hosting company’s policies. This is not to say WordPress does not have limitations; however, most are governed by the universal limitations that impact all websites, one example being the introduction of GDPR.

7. WordPress SEO is the Gold Standard

Perhaps the exception may be an advanced developer who can code virtually anything. However, most business owners are not likely to be IT professionals as a second job so having a website that has an excellent reputation for SEO ranking is huge. WIX is talking about getting their SEO to the level of WordPress, but why not go with the CMS platform that is already there?

8. You Are Not Building Your Blog/Business On Rented Land

This reason is similar to number reason number one and is being stated again to drive home just how valuable virtual online property can become without all the expenses associated with brick-and-mortar businesses.

You can literally do whatever your want with your website as if it were a tangible store. It is this fact that unfortunately causes many people to discourage potentially successful entrepreneurs and future business owners.

Matter how much you talk to some individuals, the idea of buying a domain name and hosting in any way equating to starting a $100K business (that has not made a dime) is impossible to process.

When in the history of retail has there been a time when you can try to start a business for almost nothing and build it solely through your own hard work.

It is not a get-rich-quick option but compared to what goes into a brick and mortar business, writing content and affiliating with companies online is a far more desirable option with far less risk.

And, with it always stated that up to 90% of businesses fail, walking away from an online venture versus a business with large loans is no comparison.

9. When Your Blog Gains Authority, Larger Companies May Want To Aquire Your Blog

This is where the sweat equity you put into your blog becomes realized since you stuck with it and created a valuable asset. Though this scenario is not common, it points out just how valuable an online (virtual website) can become if approached the right way. Years ago the chance of getting bought out or acquired was far more likely since the industry, though very large, was still open to opportunities that are more difficult to come across today.


In Sedona, AZ there was an online marketer who started a directory site for medical professionals to help medical practices get access to new patients. This directory grew and expanded into adjacent cities and states. Seeing the tremendous value in this company which started out as just an idea, Google offered a lot of money for the website and ultimately the entrepreneur held out and sold the site for a very large sum to Yahoo. The name of the site is Yelp!!!! Amazing how it got its start!

10. There are benefits of having a blog on your website.

If you have your blog tied into your business website, you can pull in targeted search traffic from the search engines. In this case, your blog can serve two purposes. It can be a blogging platform for a particular niche and if your business is in the same niche it can drive traffic to your business.

Hopefully, this article has helped answer the questions of why hosting your blog is important!

Related: Best Self Hosted Website Builder


Why self-Hosting Your Blog Is Important!

importance of blogging, importance of blogs in the modern world, importance of blogging in digital marketing, what are the disadvantages of blogging, importance of blogging