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How to Build a WordPress Website in Less Than an Hour

How To Rank A WordPress Website Quickly

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Introduction to Website Building

If you want to know how to build a WordPress website in less than an hour and have no idea how to build it, you’re not alone. In this introductory blog post, we’ll walk you through the basics of website building, from designing your website to hosting it on the web.

We’ll also provide some tips on how to get started building a website, so you can create a website that looks professional and functions well.

Website design

When you think about designing a website, most people think about graphics, colors, and layout. While all of these are important, they are only part of the process.

There are numerous concepts that go into designing a website. But first, you need to think about what your website is going to be used for:

  • Are you targeting a personal or business niche?
  • What will your brand statement be?
  • What will be the purpose of your website content for prospective customers or clients?
  • Is your website sell products or services?

Website Hosting

What is website hosting and why should you consider hosting your own website?

Website hosting is the process of providing a platform for your website, which is accessible by the internet. Your website is hosted on a web server, which is a computer that is dedicated to hosting websites.

There are many reasons you might choose to host your own website with a web host. A web host can provide you with a stable, reliable platform that is easy to use. They can also provide you with tools and resources to grow and maintain your website.

The flexibility of hosting your own website is truly what business owners should do if the desire is to have control over all aspects of how their business is represented online.

When you choose a web host, be sure to ask about their hosting plans and what features are included. Some hosts offer free hosting, though this is not recommended due to the limited functionality and often required placement of ads.

Web Development

Web development runs the whole gambit, from designing to building, and maintaining a website or web application.

The level of involvement of web developers can vary. If you choose, a developer can create your entire website from scratch or modify an existing website.

Most often, web developers hired by large companies will design, build, test, and maintain the website using a variety of web development tools and technologies. This level of web development is costly. For smaller businesses, the more feasible approach is to build a self-hosted WordPress website and build the website getting help along the way if needed from developers offering a specific service.

One of the best resources for finding web developers is Fiverr. Fiverr overs services to fit one’s budget and the company is committed to rating their gigs as best as possible so Fiverr users come away with the best experience.

Web Hosting Services

There are many types of web hosting, each with its own benefits and drawbacks.

Shared Hosting: The most common type of web hosting is called shared hosting. This type of hosting allows multiple websites to share the same server. This can be a good option if you have websites that will stand as a static website to introduce your business and for websites without high traffic. When the number of website visitors starts to climb into the 10s of thousands each month, to keep website speed and overall performance optimal it is best to change to a dedicated server (below) or one that is shared with only a few other websites.

Cloud hosting: This type of web hosting model is where the hosting company provides access to their servers via the internet instead of owning and operating their own servers. Cloud hosting is often cheaper than traditional hosting because the hosting company does not have to pay for the hardware and software required to run a server. Cloud hosting is also more flexible because the hosting company can scale up or down the number of servers as needed.

Dedicated Hosting: Another common type of web hosting is called dedicated hosting. This type of hosting allows one website to have its own server.

Choosing a Website CMS Platform

Though there are other website platforms, the WordPress CMS platform is the best self-hosted platform (in our opinion).
If you look at WordPress is the most  popular CMS platform for a reason.

Securing a website

When you set up a new website, the most important thing to do is to secure it. There are many ways to do this to make sure that your website is protected from unauthorized access.

The following security steps are important to set up as soon as you host your website:

  • Install the WordFence plugin and set the firewall. WordFence will also protect your website from brute-force attacks. For more enhanced security features
  • Install an SSL (security certificate). This will verify the identity of your website. This will show your website visitors that your website is safe. (HTTPS with the secure lock in the browser).

Optimizing a Website

Creating an SEO-optimized website never ends. Learn basic SEO, install an SEO plugin and

Final Thoughts

It is clearly apparent that any one of the topics outlined above could be a separate article. Look at this information as simply a stepping stone to help you get started in the right direction. Once you have gone through the process outlined above, you will be know – How to Build a WordPress Website in Less Than an Hour